Company Name*
Contact* Person*
Telephone / E-mail*
How did you meet Aktif X-ray?* ExpoFair
How long have you been working together Aktif X-ray?* 1 Years2 Years3 YearsMore Than 3 Years
Which means do you prefer to make your purchase from Aktif X-ray?* By WhatsappBy E-mail
Which product group do you purchase from Aktif X-ray?* ApronsMobile BarrierOther Accessories
1. Do you believe is it significant reason Aktif X-ray has (ISO 9001-2015, Eu 2016/425 Modul D) certificates when you prefer Aktif X-ray products?* 012345678910
2. Do you believe that you easily contact to our team in case you need?* 012345678910
3. Do you believe our team provide enough support for you for the matters you need to consult?* 012345678910
4. When you contact our team for assistance how is their approach?* 012345678910
5. Do you recommend our products?* 012345678910
6. Do you believe the website our company has pretty good?* 012345678910
7. How do you rate behaviour of our team to customers?* 012345678910
8. Do you believe our team has professional knowledge and expertise ?* 012345678910
9. How do you rate response time of our team when you contact them ?* 012345678910
10. Do you prefer again Aktif X-ray brand depending on your experience with our products ?* 012345678910
11. How do you rate product/service quality that our company provide as well as competitive pricing?* 012345678910
12. Do you believe our product range is quite satisfying?* 012345678910
13. Generally do you recommend our company?* 012345678910
14. How do you rate support level of our team after purchasing?* 012345678910
15. Do you generally believe lead time we state is coherent with our commitment?* 012345678910